Give Now and Your Gift Can Be DOUBLED!

This opportunity is too good to pass up! Our friends at Village Naturals Therapy®, a leading provider of bath and body care products, have offered to DOUBLE gifts made to the Arthritis Foundation — up to a campaign total of $100,000. So, every dollar you give will go 2x as far.

You are part of a community determined to conquer arthritis. We support each other, advocate for patient rights, fund research, share tips and information, and a whole lot more.

I hope we can count on you to take part in this Matching Challenge today so that your generosity can accomplish twice as much for the nearly 60 million people living with arthritis. Working together, let's continue to have a supportive community to help face the challenges of arthritis, and provide information and resources needed to manage the disease and hope for a pain-free future that could come through research.

Please help us make the most of this 2022 Match Challenge by giving generously by December 31.