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WTCA Volunteer Led Event Resources 

Use these links to our handbooks, playbooks and toolkit to help you start and plan your own local, volunteer led Walk to Cure Arthritis event. 

Thank you for supporting the Arthritis Foundation by starting your own local, volunteer led Walk to Cure Arthritis fundraising event, so your community can see the power of LIVING YES in action. 

Below are links to valuable resources—including: handbooks, playbooks, and a toolkit—that can aid you in planning your local event. 

We are conquering arthritis through life-changing programs and services with the help of committed individuals like you who volunteer their time to help us host the largest arthritis gathering in the world. 

We would not be able to connect with your community, celebrate local Arthritis Warriors, and raise funds for research, resources and a cure, without the invaluable help you provide. Thank you!  

Volunteer Brand Guide 
Committee Information 

Fundraising Guide
Kickoff Events 
Team Retention & Development 

Participant Toolkit – The participant toolkit features fundraising resources, information on our Walk to Cure Arthritis Mobile App and help with social media.  

Your market opportunities

Learn what's available in your local market.

To learn more about what opportunities are available for you, please connect with your nearest Arthritis Foundation office. 

Learn More