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Partners for Patients

The Partners for Patients program connects health care providers with resources and a supportive community proven to improve arthritis patient outcomes.

What Is Partners for Patients?

The Partners for Patients program connects health care providers with resources and a supportive community to improve patient care and outcomes through collaboration with the Arthritis Foundation.

Why Should I Become a Partners for Patients provider?

By joining, you’ll have access to expert resources aimed at connecting patients with Arthritis Foundation services and support, enhancing care and outcomes.

Who Should Join Partner for Patients?

Rheumatology specialists or other healthcare providers who treat patients with arthritis who want increased collaboration with the Arthritis Foundation are encouraged to join.

What Do I Receive After I Join?

We will highlight our partnership with you within the patient and medical communities, and keep you informed about the latest advancements and updates in our pursuit of groundbreaking arthritis research.

Partners for Patients Provider Listing

Use the filter below to find participating Partners for Patients providers near you. (NOTE: This feature requires JavaScript to function. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings and refresh the page.)

You may also try our Find a Doctor Tool to find thousands of other arthritis specialists.


Joint Matters E-Newsletter

A Newsletter for Health Care Providers and Researchers. Each quarter, we help you catch up on everything that’s newsworthy in the field of arthritis.

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