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Bradyn's Story

Since age 3, Bradyn has endured many medications, a few procedures and countless doctor appointments. Her road has been a long one and still has its occasional challenges. 

Bradyn Lorimer was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and uveitis in 2013 at the age of 3.  Within a few months of her diagnosis, she was nearly crippled.  She could not walk on her own without extreme pain and was carried or scooted wherever she went.  She has endured many medications, a few procedures and countless doctor appointments.  Her road has been a long one and still has its occasional challenges. 

Today, Bradyn is a healthy, happy and very active child.  Her arthritis has progressed to most of her joints, but is controlled with monthly infusions. Her eyes show no inflammation.  To look at her, you would never know she has JIA. In fact, most people don’t.   

Her parents have told her there is nothing wrong with her because they don’t see or treat JIA as a handicap.   Bradyn knows her illness can be used to reach and be an example and light to others.  She is very active in church, loves her friends and plays competitive volleyball. 

Bradyn's little body may be older than her chronological age, and her path is challenging.  However, she is a profound example of how to be strong and courageous.