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Stem Cell Guidance

Guidance documents have been developed by the Arthritis Foundation for patients who want to learn more about stem cell research.

You may wonder if stem cell therapy could heal, ease, or cure your arthritis or joint pain. Promising research is being conducted in an ethical and appropriate way, but currently there are no stem cell treatments approved by the FDA for arthritis. Since this therapy is regarded as experimental, we encourage patients to excercise caution and educate themselves on the facts and considerations. If you are exploring unproven stem cell intervention, read more about considerations for patients, as well as the Arthritis Foundation's position statement.

If you volunteer as a patient or as a healthy subject to receive an unproven stem cell intervention, learn about how your rights and safety are protected through the Unproven Stem Cell Intervention Patients' Bill of Rights. It is criticial to review this with the physician treating you for your arthritic condition.


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