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OA Fellows in Training Bootcamp (FIT)

A symposium for new researchers. Train emerging leaders and accelerate FDA approval of new therapies.

Osteoarthritis (OA) isn’t just a disease that affects older adults; it’s the most common form of arthritis, affecting more than 30 million Americans. Anyone who injures or overuses their joints, including athletes, military members and people who work physically demanding jobs, may be more susceptible to developing this disease as they age.

OA is a chronic condition that can affect any joint, but it occurs most often in knees, hips, lower back and neck, small joints of the fingers and the bases of the thumb and big toe. There is no cure for OA.

OA incidence continues to grow in the United States and is the most common articular disease in the developed world. It often goes undiagnosed until severe joint damage has occurred, and joint replacement is the only treatment option. It’s the top cause of chronic disability and is linked to increased rates of comorbidities. Lack of treatments affects access to care, disability and lost workdays.

That’s why the Arthritis Foundation and Orthopedic Research and Education Foundation partnered to host our first OA Fellows in Training (FIT) Bootcamp in September 2019 attracting more than 60 participants from around the nation.

With support from Bioventus and EMD Serano, the OA FIT Bootcamp was designed as a total immersion conference to introduce young OA researchers to cutting-edge opportunities for new discoveries.

Drs. Farshid Guilak, PhD, and Richard Loeser, MD, two Arthritis Foundation-funded researchers, led the first the patient-centered, three-day 2019 OA FIT Bootcamp at the Orthopaedic Learning Center in Rosemont, Illinois.

Scientists, doctors and interested parties looking for more information about FIT are encouraged to contact [email protected].


Dr. Richard Loeser, MD. Director of the Thurston Arthritis Research Center; UNC

The program was a fantastic mix of clinical and basic aspects of OA that prompted insightful discussion from a multidisciplinary group of attendees.

Dr. Richard Loeser, MD. Director of the Thurston Arthritis Research Center; UNC


By giving us 10 minutes, you become part of a force that will change the lives of the almost 60 million people with arthritis. Your voice matters.