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Warm Up Before Work

Recommended by fitness professionals, these 7 dynamic warm-up exercises can properly prepare you for work, a workout and more.

Whether you’re starting your shift at a physically strenuous job, hitting the gym after work or headed to the pickle ball court, the proper warm-up is important to reduce stiffness and the risk of injury, particularly when your arthritis is causing stiffness.  

Fitness professionals recommend dynamic warm-ups that move the body as you stretch. Warm-ups that stimulate the moves you’ll be forming during your work or workout are best. With arthritis, the key is to use smaller range of motion and staying within your abilities. For example, perform a modified squat (half-way) instead of a full squat.

Try these seven dynamic stretches that can help you warm up before your next workday or workout. 

1. Hip Circles. Stand on one leg, using a countertop for support if needed and gently swing the opposite leg in circles out to the side. Do 20 circles in each direction. Switch legs. Progressively increase the size of the circles as you become more flexible.

2. Arm Circles. Stand with feet parallel, shoulder-width apart and hold arms out to the sides, palms down, at shoulder height. Move your arms in circles 20 times in each direction. Progressively increase the size of the circles as you become more flexible.

3. Arm Swings. Stand with arms outstretched forward, parallel to the floor with palms facing down. As you step forward, swing your arms in unison to the right so your left arm is in front of your chest and fingers point to the right. Keep torso and head facing forward; move only at the shoulders. Swing arms in the opposite direction as you step again. Repeat five times on each side.

4. High-Stepping. Stand with your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart. Step forward with the left leg and raise the right knee up toward your chest (use a wall for balance, if needed). Use both hands (or one, if using the other for balance) to pull the knee up as high as comfort allows. Pause and lower right leg, then repeat on the other side. Continue "high-stepping" five times on each leg as you walk forward.

5. Heel-to-Toe Walk. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Take a small step forward, placing your right heel on the ground and rolling forward onto the ball of your foot. Rise as high as possible on your toes, while bringing the left foot forward and stepping in the same heel-to-toe roll. Repeat five times on each leg.

6. Lunges With a Twist. Stand with feet parallel, then take an exaggerated step forward (keep one hand on a wall or back of chair for balance, if needed) with your right foot, planting it fully on the floor in front of you. Allow the knee and hip to bend slowly while keeping your torso upright and gaze forward. Keep right knee directly over ankle — do not allow it to go beyond your toes. Slightly bend your left knee, lowering it until it is a couple of inches off the floor (or as far as flexibility allows). In this position, reach overhead (skip the overhead reach if your shoulders or spine are compromised) with your left arm and bend torso toward the right. Return your torso to an upright position, and step forward with the left foot, back to starting position. Repeat five times on each side. (Note: Do not attempt this if you have trouble with balance.)

7. Leg Lifts. This one can be done while seated. Sit up straight toward the edge of a chair with feet flat on floor. Extend one leg in front of you. Keeping that leg straight, flex your quadriceps as you raise your foot up to hip height, then slowly lower your foot to the floor. Repeat 10 to 12 times. Watch a video of this exercise to ensure proper technique.

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