Meet YOUR Patient Leadership Council
The things that matter most to you in your journey with arthritis help pave the way to the education, resources and research that are needed to help you live your best life.
The Arthritis Foundation’s Patient Leadership Council (PLC) serves as the voice of people living with various types of arthritis, representing what matters most to people like you. Each of the 12 members of the PLC has a form of arthritis – OA, RA, JIA, lupus, scleroderma. They hail from all over the United States, from New York to Washington, California to Indiana, Kansas to Texas. Each of them has their own compelling story to tell.
The Live Yes! Conference of Champions held earlier this month provided a second in-person opportunity for PLC members to meet, discuss hot topics and provide feedback on new Arthritis Foundation initiatives and programs. They also gave input on the Live Yes! INSIGHTS assessment and offered valuable considerations for the CBD (cannabidiol) issue brief and consumer guidance information that will soon be released. Their input resulted in some quick, real-time changes.
Helping you Live Your Yes is WHY the Arthritis Foundation exists … and the PLC helps keep us on track. You, too, can make your voice heard by participating in the Live Yes! INSIGHTS assessment. Give just 10 minutes to share what matters most to you. Your experiences can start changing the future now.
Stay tuned in the coming months as each member of the PLC shares their unique story of living with arthritis.
Patient Leadership Council members gather at the 2019 Live Yes! Conference of Champions. Front row, left to right: Sarah Cloud (WA), Karen Anderson (CA), Raquel Masco (TX), Cristina Schaefer (TX); back row, left to right: Shannan O’Hara-Levi (NY), Travis Salmon (KS), Rick Phillips (IN), Stacy Courtnay (GA), Laura Genoves (WA).
Not pictured: Jen Horonjeff (NY), LaTosha Davis (CA), Julianne Goodfellow (DC)
Share your experiences and Change the Future now!
The Arthritis Foundation’s Patient Leadership Council (PLC) serves as the voice of people living with various types of arthritis, representing what matters most to people like you. Each of the 12 members of the PLC has a form of arthritis – OA, RA, JIA, lupus, scleroderma. They hail from all over the United States, from New York to Washington, California to Indiana, Kansas to Texas. Each of them has their own compelling story to tell.
The Live Yes! Conference of Champions held earlier this month provided a second in-person opportunity for PLC members to meet, discuss hot topics and provide feedback on new Arthritis Foundation initiatives and programs. They also gave input on the Live Yes! INSIGHTS assessment and offered valuable considerations for the CBD (cannabidiol) issue brief and consumer guidance information that will soon be released. Their input resulted in some quick, real-time changes.
Helping you Live Your Yes is WHY the Arthritis Foundation exists … and the PLC helps keep us on track. You, too, can make your voice heard by participating in the Live Yes! INSIGHTS assessment. Give just 10 minutes to share what matters most to you. Your experiences can start changing the future now.
Stay tuned in the coming months as each member of the PLC shares their unique story of living with arthritis.

Not pictured: Jen Horonjeff (NY), LaTosha Davis (CA), Julianne Goodfellow (DC)
Share your experiences and Change the Future now!