We Want to Know How You Are #StrongerThanJA!
Every day we are constantly in awe of the children, siblings, parents, families and caregivers we meet, who face and overcome the everyday challenges of living with arthritis. It’s never one thing in particular, and individually or collectively, we can celebrate these victories.
Sometimes it’s getting out of bed in the morning that makes you stronger than arthritis. Sometimes it’s writing a letter to your representative and telling your story. Other times it’s dancing, playing sports, throwing water balloons, setting goals for the future, going to Disneyland or walking with your family and friends in the Walk to Cure Arthritis.
There are no wrong answers here – all are right and all are welcome.
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Click the image above to download your own print out![/caption]
With the theme of the 2016 Juvenile Arthritis Conference(s) being "Stronger Than JA," we want to know how YOU are #StrongerThanJA! We know that arthritis does not define you or your family. As a Champion of Yes, you and your children are stronger than arthritis, and we look forward to hearing your powerful, inspiring stories about strength and perseverance that are sure to resonate with others in the JA community.
Download the sign, write your (or your child’s) favorite activity, take a picture and send it to us. With it, if you can share you/your child's name and any background on your story, that would be fantastic! You may see it featured on Arthritis Foundation social media or at the JA Conference. One of the ways we used last year's submissions was by creating this great video!
Pictures and stories can be emailed at anytime to Alison Imamura at [email protected] by July 1, 2016.
Sometimes it’s getting out of bed in the morning that makes you stronger than arthritis. Sometimes it’s writing a letter to your representative and telling your story. Other times it’s dancing, playing sports, throwing water balloons, setting goals for the future, going to Disneyland or walking with your family and friends in the Walk to Cure Arthritis.
There are no wrong answers here – all are right and all are welcome.
How Are You #StrongerThanJA?
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With the theme of the 2016 Juvenile Arthritis Conference(s) being "Stronger Than JA," we want to know how YOU are #StrongerThanJA! We know that arthritis does not define you or your family. As a Champion of Yes, you and your children are stronger than arthritis, and we look forward to hearing your powerful, inspiring stories about strength and perseverance that are sure to resonate with others in the JA community.
Download the sign, write your (or your child’s) favorite activity, take a picture and send it to us. With it, if you can share you/your child's name and any background on your story, that would be fantastic! You may see it featured on Arthritis Foundation social media or at the JA Conference. One of the ways we used last year's submissions was by creating this great video!
Pictures and stories can be emailed at anytime to Alison Imamura at [email protected] by July 1, 2016.