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Videos to Help Develop an Effective 504 Plan  

These short videos offer helpful tips for effective communication between school personnel and setting up 504 plans.  

Get tips from parents, students, medical professionals and school counselors about effective communication and setting up a 504 plan for your child with JA. Each video is brief and only about two minutes long.  

504 Accommodations: Problems Solved With Practical Solutions 
Parents and students talk about problems and solutions for staying hydrated, carrying heavy books and binders, accessing elevators and lockers, missing class time for infusions and handwriting. 

Planning Ahead for High School Standardized Tests 
A high school counselor gives advice on when to start asking for accommodations for tests like the PSAT, SAT and ACT. 

Developing Relationships With Teachers for School Success 
A mother and her daughter's teacher discuss how good communication and information help teachers assist children with juvenile arthritis. 

504 Accommodations: The Role of Medical Professionals 
Doctors and nurses discuss how they support parents to get accommodations for students with JA in school. 

Getting 504 Accommodations: Insights from Parents 
Three parents share their experiences with developing 504 plans for different grade levels and discuss the importance of being proactive. 

School Counselors as Advocates for Students 
A high school counselor discusses his role as a liaison between the different people involved in a student’s educational progress. 

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