Healthy Living

Reduce your physical and emotional pain while making your daily life easier and healthier.

Arthritis by the Numbers


Around 44% of adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis have arthritis-attributable activity limitations. Source: CDC


68% of people with arthritis find it difficult to get in and out of a vehicle. Source: Arthritis Foundation INSIGHTS


Nutrition matters — 84% of arthritis patients believe healthy diet is important for managing arthritis. Source: Arthritis Foundation INSIGHTS


Arthritis is more than just physical — 48% of arthritis patients feel down, depressed or hopeless.
Source: Arthritis Foundation INSIGHTS

I want to know more about Healthy Living

Ultimate Arthritis Diet

Learn which foods from the Mediterranean diet can help fight inflammation caused by arthritis.
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Your Exercise Solution

Your Exercise Solution (YES) is a resource to help you create a physical activity routine — based on your ability level — with modifications developed and approved by physical therapists.
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How to Tell People You Have Arthritis

Use these tips to easily tell friends and family about your arthritis.
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Emotion Pain Connection

Learn to break the cycle of chronic pain and negative emotions.
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Living Well with Arthritis

Live Yes! Podcast

Make Mental Health a Priority

Your mental health can directly and indirectly impact your physical health. Learn why it's important to prioritize your emotional well-being.

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Make Mental Health a Priority

"Managing mental health is a lifelong process and it's going to change over time."

Rachel Aaron, PhD, psychologist, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Sleep & Fatigue Strategies for Arthritis

Sleep & Fatigue Strategies for Arthritis

Sleep and pain management experts share proven strategies to help combat fatigue and poor sleep quality with arthritis.

Watch Now

"Working on relaxation techniques and mindfulness is very helpful."

Catherine Siengsukon, PT, PhD, Director of Sleep, Health and Wellness Laboratory, University of Kansas Medical Center
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Whether you donate or volunteer, your generous contributions help fuel the support we’re able to provide to arthritis patients and their families.

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Ease of Use

Everyday tasks don’t have to be a pain. Check out products that have received the Arthritis Foundation’s Ease of Use certification for their arthritis-friendly features.

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Our trained staff — including a Spanish-speaking expert — understand arthritis and are available by phone or web chat 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, Monday to Friday. Available times on holidays may vary.

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Walk With Ease

The Arthritis Foundation’s Walk With Ease program has been proven to reduce arthritis pain and other symptoms. It can provide helpful tips and techniques — whether you’re a veteran or a newbie.

Start Walking

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