Marinated Lamb Skewers  

Try out tapas with this marinated lamb skewers recipe from chef Seamus Mullen that’s as easy as it is delicious.  

20 mins

About 20 minutes to prep and cook, plus marinate overnight 

722 cal

722 calories per serving* 

Serves 6

Makes about 6 servings as an appetizer 


The next time you’re entertaining friends or family, think tapas, like these marinated lamb skewers. Celebrity chef and “Hero Foods” cookbook author, Seamus Mullen recommends tapas because they don’t take a lot of skill or effort to whip up, making them ideal for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Tapas are small snacks or appetizers you can prepare in advance, or guests can pitch in. “Tapas are about being social,” says Mullen, who was diagnosed with RA several years ago and whose cookbook is focused on inflammation-fighting foods.  

To make this recipe you will need a sharp knife for dicing, 6-inch bamboo skewers and a sauté pan or grill.  

Nutrition information (per serving)*: Total Fat (74.6g); Carbohydrates (3g); Sodium (37mg); Sugar (0g); Fiber (2g); Cholesterol (33mg); Protein (12g) 


1/2 pound lamb top-round, cleaned and cut into 1-inch cubes 
2 cups olive oil 
1 shallot, diced 
1 clove garlic, diced 
1/2 cup packed chopped herbs (mint, chives, parsley) 
1 pinch saffron 
1 Tbsp. toasted coriander, ground 
1 Tbsp. toasted fennel seed, ground 
1 Tbsp. toasted black cumin seed, ground 
1 Tbsp. toasted mustard seed, ground 
1 Tbsp. guindilla pepper, ground (1 Tbsp. red pepper flakes can be substituted) 
4 Tbsp. sherry vinegar 
2 Tbsp. lemon juice 



Skewer the lamb cubes on 6-inch bamboo skewers.  

Combine all other ingredients, pour over the skewers and marinate them overnight.  

Preheat a sauté pan or grill over medium-high heat, and cook two minutes per side, or until desired doneness. 

Ingredient Tips & Benefits  

  • Lamb is a red meat and a high-quality source of protein. It also tends to be leaner than other types of red meat like beef. Rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, lamb also supplies vitamins B12 and B6 which help support the nervous system.  

  • Don’t be afraid of a little bit of spice. Chili peppers contain natural compounds called capsaicinoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Use dried chilies to spice up your marinade for your lamb skewers. Chilies can be a little hot so start with a small amount and taste the marinade before adding more. This is especially true when preparing food for a crowd.  

  • Garlic, onions and leeks, all contain diallyl disulfide, a compound that limits the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Including garlic in your recipes regularly may help fight the pain, inflammation and cartilage damage. 


*Disclaimer: All nutritional information provided is approximate and based on USDA measurements. Actual amounts may vary based on exact ingredients used, how they are prepared and serving size.  

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