Walk With Ease Leader Resources
Become a Walk With Ease Certified Leader
This on-demand online video workshop trains you to become an Arthritis Foundation Walk With Ease Program leader. Developed by leading experts, Walk With Ease is evidence-based, proven to help people with arthritis or other related conditions reduce pain, increase balance, strength and walking pace, and improve overall health. Some of the program goals are to understand the relationship between arthritis, exercise and pain, develop and implement a personal walking plan with realistic goals, and gather tips, strategies and resources for maintaining a long-term exercise routine. Leaders will receive an Arthritis Foundation certification*, a leader's manual filled with exercise illustrations, health education information, and a 6 week walking plan.
Walk With Ease FAQ
- Must be certified in CPR that includes a live, in-person skills assessment. Hybrid CPR certification courses are acceptable, but leaders must be able to physically demonstrate chest compressions on a manikin during the skills assessment portion of the training.
- The Arthritis Foundation Walk With Ease training is available via an on-demand online video workshop.
- Watch the On-Demand online video workshops and successfully complete the corresponding quiz online.
- The workshop fee is $89. Successful completion of the course is worth 4 CEUs.
- Organizations seeking to purchase multiple registrations, please contact Steve Machado [email protected]. 1-(602) 383-1235.
How to Complete Your Walk With Ease Instructor Training
Complete the Arthritis Foundation WWE Program Leader Training - https://www.afaa.com/courses/arthritis-foundation-walk-with-ease
Be sure to download the Leader’s Manual and Lecturette Posters
Watch all four training videos and complete the knowledge tests
Complete the Final Exam
Submit the below documentation to Nick Turkas ([email protected]) to receive your WWE instructor certification:
Completed Arthritis Foundation Walk With Ease Program Leader Training and Certification Application form
WWE Record of Completion certificate, this certificate shows that you completed the training
Copy of your adult CPR certification
Promotional Tools
AF Walk with Ease Program Flyer (African American) (Hispanic) (Caucasian)
Espanol AF Walk With Ease Program Flyer (African American) (Caucasian)
To include your upcoming Walk With Ease session on the Arthritis Foundation Events page contact Walk With Ease Coordinator.
If you are interested in adding Walk With Ease as worksite wellness initiative, contact Nick Turkas for additional resources.
Walk With Ease - Self-Directed Enhanced Kit
This kit will help you lead a Walk With Ease Self-Directed Enhanced program (Espanol), includes FAQs, weekly email engagement series, marketing tools and tips for book distribution.
Disability Adaptation Guide for Program Leaders
Walk With Ease Course Completion
Learn More
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