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Upper Body Stretches

Keep your spine, arms and shoulders flexible with this group of simple yet effective upper body stretches. Learn the shoulder blade squeeze, marionette stretch and more.

Chest-And-Arm Stretch
Chest and arms tight? Get a great stretch with effective instructions from this video.
Stretches chest, shoulder and arm muscles and helps improve posture
  • Stand with your arms by your side.
  • Keep your back straight as you clasp your hands together behind your back and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Roll your shoulders down and back.
  • Relax, then repeat several times.
Marionette Stretch
Get a good stretch in your spine and help maintain flexibility with the marionette stretch.

Stretches spine
  • Sit or stand tall with your hands down by your side.
  • Imagine a string located at the top back part of your head, just like a marionette.
  • The imaginary string pulls your head up toward the ceiling, and then your chin tucks slightly and your spine lengthens.
  • Hold. Relax. Repeat.
Overhead Reach Side Bend Stretch
Maintain spine flexibility with the overhead reach side bend. 

Stretches the obliques and lower back and maintains spine flexibility
  • Stand comfortably with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift both arms above your head, lightly clasping your hands.
  • Gently pull your shoulders back and stretch tall.
  • Briefly hold, then, lean to the right and hold.
  • Repeat to the left.
Shoulder Blade Squeeze

Learn how to stretch the back of the arms and shoulders using this triceps press stretch.
Stretches the triceps and shoulders

  • Stand up straight and tall, then bring your arms above your head, bending your left elbow so that it points toward the ceiling.
  • "Walk" the fingers of that hand down your back.
  • Reach over with your right hand and gently press down on your left elbow to increase the stretch.
  • Hold, then switch arms.
Triceps Press Stretch
Learn how to stretch the back of the arms and shoulders using this triceps press stretch.  

Stretches the triceps and shoulders
  • Stand up straight and tall, then bring your arms above your head, bending your left elbow so that it points toward the ceiling.
  • "Walk" the fingers of that hand down your back.
  • Reach over with your right hand and gently press down on your left elbow to increase the stretch.
  • Hold, then switch arms.

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