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Expert Q&A: Coronavirus and Children with JA

Protect your child from coronavirus with this expert advice.

Question: I’m concerned about my child contracting the coronavirus. What are the steps I can take to keep my child with JA safe?


It’s natural to worry about your child’s infection risk, but there are some steps you and your child can take to help protect yourselves.  The most important thing you can do to keep your child healthy is to follow the general prevention advice that EVERYONE should follow. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website,, has general and specific advice (such as risk information and travel information) on how to prevent possible infection. It’s updated frequently, so check back regularly. Some of this advice includes, but is not limited to, the common-sense things you know about prevention already, such as washing hands often, avoiding touching the face and avoiding close contact with those who are sick. When it comes to medications, we don’t know that they increase your child’s risk of getting this virus, so we recommend that you continue them, as usual, to stay healthy. If your child does get this virus, contact your child’s rheumatologist immediately. In some special circumstances, some medications might need to be increased or decreased.

Richard K. Vehe, MD

Professor of Pediatrics

Director of the Division of Pediatric Rheumatology, University of Minnesota Medical School

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