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Howley Prizes for Arthritis Research

The Lee C. Howley Sr. Prize for Arthritis Scientific Research and the Lee C. Howley Jr. Prize for Early Career Investigators in Arthritis Research recognize those who have committed to advancing the Arthritis Foundation’s scientific agenda.

The 2023 Lee C. Howley Sr. Prize Recipient

The Arthritis Foundation has a long-standing tradition of honoring physician-scientists who perform important arthritis-related research and show exceptional commitment to volunteer work through the Foundation. The Foundation recently announced Emily von Scheven, MD, MAS, as the 2023 Lee C. Howley Sr. Award recipient for her dedication to her patients, scientific research and several Arthritis Foundation events, including JA camps and JA Family Summits.

Dr. von Scheven received her medical education from Pennsylvania State University. She then specialized in pediatrics and rheumatology at Children's National Medical Center, Washington, DC, and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, respectively. In addition, she has a master's degree in epidemiology and biostatistics.

Throughout her career, Dr. von Scheven has focused on improving the end results of treatments in children with rheumatic diseases. For instance, she spearheaded the efforts to create consensus treatment plans (CTPs) for juvenile proliferative lupus nephritis. These CTPs help to directly compare treatment strategies based on standard clinical presentations of rheumatic diseases. In another line of work, Dr. von Scheven’s team has developed the “hope conceptual model” based on the feedback on research priorities from focus groups of young people with rheumatic disease and their caregivers. The information gleaned from this questionnaire will help better select national research agendas and funding opportunities.

Within the Foundation, Dr. von Scheven is an active member of the Northern California Arthritis Foundation Board. She also serves on the board of directors for the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA). Dr. von Scheven is the founding and program director for the Wellness Center for Youth with Chronic Conditions and the Lupus Program at the University of California, San Francisco, Benioff Children's Hospitals.

See past Howley Prize recipients.

Lee C. Howley Sr. Prize for Arthritis Scientific Research


A prize of $10,000 is presented by the Arthritis Foundation. Support is provided by a generous endowment from the Howley Family. Prize recipients must apply the prize funds toward the field of arthritis research (e.g., travel to a professional meeting to present findings, mentoring a student, laboratory costs, publication costs, etc.). 


Presented to an individual researcher based at a US institution who demonstrates a strong commitment to advancing arthritis research, including impacting patient outcomes and quality of life. The recipient’s research contributions should significantly advance the understanding, treatment or prevention of arthritis and related diseases. In addition, the individual will also have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to volunteer work through the Arthritis Foundation, with a notable impact in furthering the Foundation’s mission. Nominations will be made by the Foundation’s national Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee and Foundation staff. Self-nominations and posthumous nominations will not be accepted. Past recipients are not eligible. Nominations will take place in September and October. 


One prize is given each year. The recipient will be notified in December of that year. A formal announcement and in-person prize presentation will occur at the Arthritis Foundation Pathways conference (usually held in the Spring of the following year).

Lee C. Howley Jr. Prize for Early Career Investigators in Arthritis Research


A prize of $5,000 is presented by the Arthritis Foundation. Support is provided by a generous endowment from the Howley Family. Prize recipients must apply the prize funds toward the field of arthritis research (e.g., travel to a professional meeting to present findings, mentoring a student, laboratory costs, publication costs, etc.). 


Presented to an early career researcher based at a US institution who demonstrates a firm commitment to arthritis research, including impacting patient outcomes and quality of life. The individual should have a strong scientific track record and a record of service to the Arthritis Foundation. The individual must have held an independent, full time faculty position for no more than 8 years at the time of nomination. Full professors are not eligible. Nominations will be made by the Foundation’s national Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee and Foundation staff. Self-nominations and posthumous nominations will not be accepted. Past recipients are not eligible. Nominations will take place in September and October. 


One prize is given each year. The recipient will be invited to attend the Arthritis Foundation Pathways conference (usually held in the Spring) for an in-person prize presentation.

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